Citroën 2CV

It helps to have great friends! My wife and I first met at the ad agency where we worked. Our trajectory towards marriage was aided by several close friends at the agency. Chief amongst them was Trish (Patricia) who was the agency's photographer extraordinaire. My clients and I spent many long hours in the studio with Trish.

When I left the agency to start Co-Hog Toys and make a dream come true, Trish's friendship led to her taking all of the early photos of Co-Hogs that I have - always with a smile and with incredible generosity.

As a small thank you for all of her creative efforts that helped us so much, I made this Citroen 2CV to remind her of her father back in France and his beloved flat orange 2CV. Fittingly for the time and place he had painted it with a brush without a thought. In our world of perfect everything (even in the 70's) this seemed wonderfully outrageous to me. It was a joy to make this tiny token of thanks.

It was about 6" / 15.2cm long and made entirely of simple yellow pine. I should remember, but don't, whether I, too,painted the whole thing with a brush or not. Either way, it was appreciated and our friendship remains after all these years.