Porsche G935 - 006 - Hood-Fenders-Air Dam

Co-Hog Porsche G935 hood surface development

I hope everyone is enjoying the simple joys that are at the heart of the holiday seasons. Be kind to yourselves and those around you.

The satisfying pleasure of making things is one of my primary joys so I've continued on the Porsche G935s by adding the hood, front fender and air dam blocks. The overall building block process is one of creating the needed interior lines and surfaces and then working outward to create the final outer lines and surfaces.

The hood blocks have had the side profile added and have been tapered in plan view for the hood opening creases. Then they were gridded out to visually aid in developing the hood surface.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 vertical hood curve

There is a slight plan view curve (the red line on the template) that necessitates the subtle surface development to keep the front hood line flat.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 hand shaping hood surface

Here hand-shaping is in progress to move the front corners of the hood surface down to meet the side profile line on each side of center and flatten the hood line all the way across.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 4 hoods ready to glue

All four hoods are shaped and ready to glue in place.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 front fender profile curves

Front fender top surfaces will be curved to match the outside fender line profile as shown on the yet-to-be-applied driver- and passenger-side templates.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 front fender tapers added

Front fenders are being tapered in plan view to match the hood taper and mate with the main body block.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 front fenders ready for glue-up

All glued up and ready for dadoing.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 front air dam dados added

The dado removes material to provide room to add the front air dam. The dado goes back to just about the front wheel centerline and up to just shy of the hood edge curve (red arrow).

Much wider fenders than necessary are used to allow for any tear out during dado cutting.

Porsche G935 front air dam block and pocket

The air dam blocks are butterfly cut pieces sized to fit into the dadoes. They are the bulk of the lower front end.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 air dams glued up

Air dam blocks are in place and the rear fender extensions have been roughly sized.

Co-Hog Porsche G935 3D printed exhausts

The exhausts are a bear to make because of the super tight inside bend radius. This is one of the first groups that I FDM 3D printed from my CAD data. They're promising, but I'm learning to make them even better to enhance priming and finishing.

The set of four is formed layer by layer on a base about 1/2" (12.7mm) wide by 1 1/4" (31.8mm)long. The exhausts are about 0.22' (5.6mm) in diameter.

Next up - 007 – 3D Printing the Engine Bay - The three Porsche G935 sculptures are almost entirely shaped from jelutong wood. Other materials are used sparingly and only where appropriate. Aluminum for the wheels, brass for wheel centers and details, cast acrylic for tires - and now my own 3D printed parts.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
