Kindness, Generosity & Friendship

Co-Hog generously expanded collection lined up

Kindness, generosity and friendship are to be treasured. Last week brought a wealth of all three together in the Co-Hog world.

Hank Hammer and Paul Allen have been two of Co-Hogs most saintly patrons over the many decades. As far as I know, they never met, but both have found joy in all things Porsche.

Co-Hog lineup across the years

Sadly, Hank has passed on and the world lost a big heart and a true gentleman. In due course, parts of his Co-Hog collection came up for auction. Paul found and purchased them.

Paul's own collection over the decades has been quite extensive and he has generously been returning some of my favorite pieces to me. He has sagely called it "Sending the children home." - much to my delight.

Co-Hog Original, Special Editions & Porsche 956-962's

With Paul giving Hank's Co-Hogs a new home, he added at least 22 pieces to his own collection. Within that group he now has four additional special Porsche's that have two eminent collectors in their pedigrees.

The #8 Marlboro and #7 Newman 956's are in this lineup while the Special Edition Porsche #1 911 SC and #3 911 T stayed with Paul.

Co-Hog one-off McLaren F1 Team

Now comes the amazing part. As Paul continues to winnow his collection to keep only his favorites, what would he do with the ones he was moving along. As someone who always sees the best of any situation, he amazingly chose to pass them back to me.

I, too, now have a real Co-Hog collection and the remembrances and stories that came from making each of them and interacting with their owners. I'm hugely grateful for Paul’s friendship and his generosity.

Thank you Paul!

Co-Hog expanded collection birds-eye view

These photos show part of my pumped up collection as I sort, fix and clean them. The two 956's I mentioned and the 4X4 Pickup will be thoroughly gone over, fixed and returned to Paul along the with a prototype Rabbit to add to his existing group which includes one of only three Rabbit convertibles that we made.

Specific items in this group will be featured in future posts. History that I had forgotten bubbles up all around them and must be shared.

Be kind, be generous, your friendship will be rewarded in many ways!